Many of you are spending your week filling out brackets, here are some of my helpful hints:
Don't pick all the number one seeded teams: I may not be the biggest boy in the NICU, but keep praying that I will grow big and strong and I will come out a champion.
There are gonna be upsets so take some risks when you choose your team: a couple of days ago I was scaring my mom with all my breathing episodes, having a hard time recovering on my own, but today I did a great job recovering from them.
You never know when there is gonna be an injury so pick teams where the bench goes deep: My dad was out with a migraine today, so good thing my mom was around. My mom and I actually spent some time under a blanket together...cuz the room was so bright. She totally thinks I'm the cutest boy ever!!! (and I'm not gonna argue) Pray that my dad gets better...I need all the Rose team playing the game with me.
Check the stats: My stats (
vision test) came back good today. I still have immature eyes, so pray my stats get better!
Just because a team has one good game doesn't mean they will tomorrow: I had a GREAT day today. Continue to pray for my breathing, my parents, and my progress. Pray for my sodium level, it was a little lower today than normal.
See you at the Final Four!!!
I am praying with faith (James 1:6) for daily progress and celebrating each day with you and your Mom and Dad. Glad you had snuggle time with your mom under the blanket and praying your Dad will be back 100%. Love the pictures.
Hey there little guy! A 3 pointer can win the game as it did for Creighton in their NIT game last night. Our 3 pointer, God the Father, JESUS the Son, and the Holy Spirit, will lead US on to victory!! You are a WINNER and a very cute one at that!! I've been showing your pictures to everyone at church AND at school when I sub.
Gro-O-O-O-OW TREVOR!! Love to the Roses.
So you hear from the Fox women today Trev....your Mom Tina, your grandma Vonnie/Nonnie and your grandpa's sister Kay...that's it...the lady loves of my life. They will serve you well Trevor.
Well no wonder your dad drove me so hard yesterday at La Mesa Workout...he had a migraine. Are you praying for him? I am...or he will crack the whip even harder today (so to say)...he actually is gentle and loving and kind.
Grandpa's advice for today....
Don't hurry.
Don't worry.
and Don't forget to stop and smell the Roses.
You amaze me each day at how strong you are!!!! God has something very special for you in the future!
“May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”
Irish Blessings quote
Love Papa xoxoxoxoxo XO
good morning trevor hay you have more hair then your dad tell dad and mom to get well and be strong love ya
Done and Done! Trevor (and Amie) you guys helped me with my bracket picking...this will be a good year and trevor when you play NCAA you will be an obvious pick! Today, I pray mommy and daddy have a restful sleep and you surprise them in the morning with extraordinary test results :)
much love
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