Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter (Sunday Updates)

Here's the card I made my parents....
So I have bad news....I am back on CPAP...I have been working too hard trying to breath on nasal canula, so the Dr put me back on CPAP...and to quote my dad...."I hate CPAP with a passion" I just get really frustrated and uncomfortable with the CPAP. Needless to say it was a hard day for my mommy and daddy. So just pray for us all...for my lungs, that I can grow big and that my parents will have peace and be able to rest.


Grandpa Fox said...

Dear Trevor,

We certainly appreciate and have sensed the impact of people's prayers...but as Resurrection Sunday has now passed, we once again realize that it is God who allows our every breath, our every heartbeat. How can we say "Thank You" enough to our Creator whom we know personally as the LORD Jesus?

Please forgive us Trevor for being a bit impatient. God does good work....and at His pace...and we are all glad for that.

So just keep on keeping on little breath after another. We big people also need to keep breathing spiritually, exhaling (confessing) our human weaknesses (sins) and inhaling the fullness of the Holy Spirit Who also is God.

Yes...breathing is such a constant thing. We are all learning.
Agape love from Grandpa.

Papa Rose said...

Your mom and dad told me your had a restless Easter day! So my prayer today is Numbers 6:24-26
"May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace".
This is for all your friends in the NICU also!!!

xoxoxox Love Papa

Corrie said...

Trevor, we are praying for you and for your nicu buddies. You look so handsome in your new clothes, I can understand if you get excited cause you look so cool and that takes your breath away for a bit. Sometimes I get real excited for new clothes too. Plus, now you have three big pounds to breath for. Thats a lot of breathing to do. But God promises to watch and guard your every breath. Your big snappy-dressed three pounds are in his hands. Love you, Trevor! I am virtual-snuggling and hugging you as I write.

Laura said...


Do not be discouraged. Life is a constant series of forward steps and backward steps. The hope is that we take more forward steps than backward...which you certainly are. In fact, it is during the backward steps that we often grow the most. Backward steps teach us patience. They help us learn to "be still and to trust." We learn from our backward steps so that we can take many more forward steps the next time.

Just wait until you start walking. Right when you think you have finally mastered it, down you will go. The trick is not to hit anything on your way down.

Remind your folks to embrace the backward steps, to grow from them, and to enjoy the forward steps. It is all in the lessons of life.

Little Warrior, what a blessing you are. Think of all the lives you have touched already. No wonder you need a little help breathing along the way.

In His Grip,
