Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Peek-a-boo, I see you!


Grandpa Fox said...

...and I see you too Trevor. This is the best view yet out of all my hospital visits when you are pretty well cuddled up with Mom and Dad in kanga time. The pics are kinda like seeing ballgames on TV...a better view than being there...but being there brings reality and excitement and participation.
I hope to come see you soon...perhaps today...and also keep your Mommy company.
I am enjoying all of the nice comments that so many people are making on your blog site. It will be a great scrapbook (modern day style) and diary/journal. Someday you can refer to it and see how God built you...one day at a time.
Grandpa loves you.

the hammett family said...

Tina and Jeff,
What sweet pictures of little Trevor and what an amazing miracle he is! God formed and shaped him and we are praying that He will continue to strengthen Trevor's body day by day. Trevor truly is a mighty warrior. As we think of all that you are going through right now, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, we pray for you for peace, rest, wisdom, and continued courage.