Sunday, March 16, 2008

Birthday Presents (saturday updates)

I received lots of birthday presents today:
I was able to be held in my parents arms so I could just look up at them and gaze at their faces.
I weighed in at 2lbs 12 oz (Dads got me on protein supplements:))
And...(drum roll please) I am still on nasal canula

Birthday Prayers:
They are fortifying (protein shake) my milk to help me gain weight. Pray I gain weight and I continue to digest well
Pray for my eyes, that they grow and develop
Keep praying for the nasal canula, that I can continue on it and my lungs continue to grow and develop


Grandpa Fox said...

Yeah Trevor and Praise the Lord!!!

Wow...I get to be first on the blog today...Vonnie could have been except that she left for the airport at 4 AM to fly to work. Even Amie the blog lady got to go to bed earlier and this update came at a decent time this morning.

You certainly looked better yesterday, and wanted to look at your visitors...but so far they are immediate family only. I see other entire families (younger kids too)go in to see their babies, and I think that soon you will be developed enough to "show off." You certainly are something for the world to see...made from scratch by the Master Maker using the best of ingredients.

The movie about the small persons made a big splash this weekend... and Grandpa can hardly wait to read you the book. Wait til you hear the voices I give Horton and the Whos!
OK, now.....don't get overconfident...keep trusting God and keep your prayer warriors on the job. Love to all!

Edward rose said...

Happy birthday. and good morning little warrior you are. and such a big army you have keep up the fight

Mike Wilmers & Company said...

Thank you, thank you, Lord Jesus! Trevor, Happy Birthday. Love and prayers to all of you Roses. Debbie W

Ramirez Family said...


Trevor, happy b-day little guy. You seem to be heading in the right direction. We will keep praying for your overall development, especially your eyes and lungs.

Gain some weight! I know your parents are thin and in shape, but you gotta put some lbs on.

Keep it up!

Rich & Shirley Ramirez