Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Super Trevor Day

Tragedy!!! as you can see I'm a little bummed...my girl has moved to another part of the NICU, which means I can't just hop over to her condo and visit her...so pray I can keep growing strong and healthy so I can get over to her side


Ramirez Family said...

Sorry buddy, keep lifting weights like your dad and you will get to see your lady very soon.

Carolina said...

YOU are too precious! Don't worry little Trevor, you'll be fighting off all the new girlfriends in no time! I'm still praying for your health! :)

Nana said...

Sweet Trevor, you are beautiful. I am so proud of you, what a warrior. Also your parents; your precious mom for making sure that you have lots of milk to help you to grow strong like your daddy. And for your daddy, always praying for you and taking care of your mom.
What a blessing you are as a family, trusting the Lord every step of the way.
Hugs and kisses,

Papa Rose said...

When you talked about Em going to the other side of the NICU, I am brought to the realization that there are over 60 condos at the NICU. Each one has a precious little one, who has parents with fears and concerns also. So our prayers go out not only to you, mom and dad, (WHO WE LOVE VERY, VERY MUCH) but to all those who are going through there own set of medical problems, God loves them also!
“How kind he is! So merciful, this God of ours. The Lord protects the simple and childlike”.
Psalm 116:5-6

iris miller said...

Dear Trevor, You have a lot of people pulling for you. Just remember you are the product of good strong stock and are a fighter. We love you and are praying for you. Your great aunt Iris