Friday, February 29, 2008

Prayer for Saturday

Continue to pray for my breathing. I am working really hard to breathe on my own, which makes me loose weight...and I sure don't want to go back to that CPAP, it makes my face all swollen and they hook this big mask up to my face so i look like baby Darth's not pretty people. So pray for my lungs to keep getting stronger.
The next big thing is my digestive system. Since I am off most meds, I'd like to start drinking some of the good stuff (mom's good stuff that is) tomorrow. Major concerns are my stomach and digestive system. So pray I can digest her food easily and that all my intestines will continue to develop and work well, so I can grow big and strong like my dad.


Jen Juhl said...

GREAT news on getting off the vent and getting to spend some QT with mommy and daddy. So glad to hear you are beefing up too! I hope you are able to eat and digest with no problem. That hopefully will be the last big hurdle and then just on to growing big and strong and coordinating all the things you have to do. There's lots to remember little man, so take your time and persevere and before you know it you will be at home with mom and dad.

Papa Rose said...

“Cell Phone Call from Trevor”

Trevor: Papa I’m going to have to hurry, I’m using Dad’s Cell, while Mom and him are out HUGGING! Their so happy cause they moved me back to the condo!!!!
Papa: OK what’s up?
Trevor: Just wanted to thank, everyone for praying so hard for me! Pray is the best!
Also for Ty, Chris and you for inviting me on the backpacking trip in July!
Papa: How are mom and dad on the trip?
Trevor: Don’t worry about them, all I have to do is give them HUGS, KISSES, & CUDDLES and they melt, remember I’m only 15 days old!
Trevor: But one thing! I really want Em to go along!
Papa: But Trevor you know how those girls are, she will want to take all that girl stuff!
Trevor: No she’s a natural girl, all she needs is that little dipper they give us here, and it’s about the size of my mom’s palm! Besides maybe we can get her to cook the fish we catch! Got to go, I hear mom and dad coming back, for more cuddle time! This is my favorite time!
God Bless Everyone!

"From the mountain tops we see the Glory of God and all that he has created!
But from the valley’s we feel God’s hand of compassion and love"!

Fabian Fibonacci said...

Tina and Jeff,
We and many of our friends are praying for Trevor here in Texas. I have been checking his blog at least twice a day from the beginning because he is so often on my mind. Much love to your precious family,
Alison (Okken) Post

Auntie Jul said...

Jeff, Tina, and Warrior Trevor,
Unkie Bryan and Auntie Jul are praying for you and praising God for your improvement! Jeff, your Nana's favorite verse was Isaiah 41:10. Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
I know Nana is cheering for Trevor up in heaven just as she did at your many BBall games.
You couldn't ask for a better cheerleader from heaven.
Love to you, Unkie and Auntie Jul


Sparky said...

Awww, I am so happy he is getting to spend time with mom and dad! That's the best "medicine" there is. Keep it up, little guy!

Edward rose said...


Sally P-G said...

It is so good to see that you are getting stronger and putting on some weight. I just want you to know that my family and all my friends have seen your blog and are praying for you as well. Soon you will be cozy at home with your parents enjoying all the Kanga time you want. Keep it up little man!! We are all rooting for you!!!
Love, Sally :)

Anderson 5 said...

Hello, Roses!! Just wanted you guys to know that we're praying for you way out here in Minnesota!! (The prayers get a little frozen on the way up, but they work!!) :) May God sustain each of you through this time. What a blessing that little Trevor is in your life! Thanks for keeping us all updated.

Much love to you three,
Tim & Holly Anderson

Grandpa Fox said...

Love to my family...all of you,

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a WARRIOR, so are the children of one's youth.

Thank you LORD JESUS for this great gift of Trevor.
Dad/Grandad/ FOX

Papa Rose said...

I think your mom and dad are starting to suspect that we are planning the hike for July, so from now on we will have to use new code words!
When I say Hugs Kisses and Cuddles that will really mean July Hike! They will never in a million years figure that out cause they love to always Hug, Kiss and Cuddle you.
I love how we worked it today, they didn’t have an idea what we were doing. When you sent your dad out to get me, I had the Texas / Texas Tec. Game on that took care of him! I think if you just tell your dad lets cuddle and watch some B. Ball he will be putty in are hands! What you did with your mom was great! Mom didn’t even hear what we were talking about. When you winked at her and blow that kiss that sent her to Never, Never Land. Keep up the great work!! Remember Hugs, Kisses & Cuddles.
Love you! Papa

Corrie said...

Trevor, you are so darn cute! this is the cutest picture ever. I have shown you off to all my family and friends and they are constantly asking for updates about you, you handsome dude!

Mary Beth said...

so great to get a good glimpse of that precious face...praying and daily checking in on y' from GA, Brent and MaryBeth Cole